1151 W Robinhood Dr. B-15
Stockton, CA 95207
United States
ph: 209-474-3710
alt: 916-564-2710
Clear your Criminal Record in California with the Law Offices of David A. Barzaga
At the Law Offices of David A. Barzaga we strongly believe in cleaning up your criminal record to make you more marketable and employable in the future. It is our desire to use our legal skills to help as many deserving people as possible get career/jobs in our community and improve the local economy. If you worked hard to change your life for the better and become a productive member of the community than you should absolutely consider an expungement to lessen the effects of a criminal conviction. If you have the financial resources to hire an attorney for an expungement we highly recommend it. Another significant barrier to job opportunities is being on informal or formal probation. Some jobs will automatically disqualify you from hiring consideration if you are on probation. We are very familiar with filing Motions to Terminate Probation early and would love to help you in this process.
What is an Expungement
Your plea of guilty or no contest is withdrawn, a plea of NOT GUILTY is entered and the Court then dismisses your case. Its true legal name is called a dismissal under California Penal Code Section 1203.4 and 1203.4 a in which the defendant petitions the court to vacate the finding of guilt and dismiss the complaint. Even though you have successfully obtained a 1203.4 dismissal (expungement) where it has relieved you of all “penalties and disabilities” from the conviction it is still a limited remedy in a sense that it does not completely wipe away, seal, purge or destroy the conviction. However, it was strengthened with new laws that went into effect in 2014 and 2015.
Why hire us to handle your expungement
1. We are local. If your case is in the Stockton (serving Stockton since 2007) or Sacramento (serving Sacramento since 2006) area we have offices in both locations where you can come in and meet with us.
2. We are professional. The expungement petitions and motions are typed so it is easy to read for the Courts and whoever else aftewards. Legal counsel is present at all your court appearances.
3. We save you time. We prepare and file the motion in court for you. We will serve the District Attorney and probation if necessary for YOU with the expungement paperwork after it is filed. We have a lot of experience in filling out these petitions so we know how to prepare it to save you time in researching the law.
4. We try and keep it private. We use our law office address on the 1203.4 PC petition (public record) and act as your counsel throughout the entire process. Most of the time we can appear in court without you even present. (although we recommend you come with us to the hearing if available).
5. We have enough experience to screen your case early on. If we see some issues that may be big obstacles in your case like maybe an active probation on other cases or non-payment in fines we would tell you to address these issues before retaining our law office and paying the filing fee to expunge your case.
SELECTED EXPUNGEMENT RESULTS with permission from former clients
(Disclaimer "Every legal matter is different. The outcome of each legal case depends upon many factors, including the facts of the case, and no attorney can guarantee a positive result in any particular case." Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome")
12/28/16 (client CM) 17 b motion to reduce felony to misdemeanor and 1203.4 pc dismissal ("expungement") petition prepared and appeared by attorney David Barzaga granted in Sacramento County Superior Court for a felony PC 245(A)1 conviction.
12/8/16 (client KM) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition prepared and appeared by attorney David Barzaga granted for a San Joaquin County Superior Court - Stockton branch VC 23152 (b) conviction.
11/7/16 (client JL) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition prepared by attorney David Barzaga granted for a Yolo County Superior Court VC 23152 (b) conviction.
11/3/16 (client SB) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition prepared and court apperance by attorney David A. Barzaga granted for a San Joaquin County Superior Court DUI VC 23152 (b) conviction.
9/29/16 (client JT) Defendant's motion to terminate DUI probation early granted and 1203.4 PC dismissal petition granted (motion and oral argument (with client present) by attorney David Barzaga with DA opposition ) for a second offense DUI VC 23152 b in San Joaquin County Superior Court - Stockton Branch.
8/3/16 (client AC) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition (packet) prepared by and court appearance (with client present) by attorney David A. Barzaga granted for an El Dorado County VC 23103/23103.5 Wet and Reckless conviction.
6/23/16 (client KV) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition (packet) prepared by and court appearance (with client present) by attorney David A. Barzaga granted for a San Joaquin County VC 23152 b conviction. 4/28/16 (client KV) Motion to Terminate DUI probation early prepared and appeared by David A. Barzaga granted to set up future expungement petition.
11/21/14 (client SB) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition prepared by attorney David A. Barzaga granted for a Sacramento County Superior Court DUI VC 23152 (b) conviction.
12/17/10 (client RJ) 1203.4 pc dismissal petition granted for a Placer County Superior Court DUI conviction.
We have a two page informational packet about the benefits of expungement we can send you and also provide you with a flat fee quote if you email or contact us.
We hope more people will take advantage of the California expungement laws.
We have two locations in Stockton and Sacramento.
Please schedule an appointment to visit us.
Stockton office (near Sherwood Mall) 1151 W. Robinhood, Stockton, CA.
Sacramento office (near Fair Oaks and Howe Ave) 25 Cadillac Dr. #111, Sac CA.
Copyright 2016 Law Offices of David A. Barzaga. All rights reserved.
1151 W Robinhood Dr. B-15
Stockton, CA 95207
United States
ph: 209-474-3710
alt: 916-564-2710